Saturday, September 20, 2014

a bad day (that got better)

note halo of angry red feelings, and also steam emerging from ears

photo shoot

 "Look, I took a picture of the mamas' room!"

"Look, I took a picture of you!"

So I took some, too.


Kris lent us a copy of Pretend Soup.   Here's what happened next.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

stroller cam

Eleanor and I spend every Tuesday together.  No preschool, no classes to teach.  I'm determined to take regular morning walks and to record them through the seasons this year.  Here's what we saw on our first fall walk: grazing cattle, jewelweed in bloom, a praying mantis, and lovely views across the hills.  

We stopped a few times to gaze across the valley.  Eleanor asked, "Can I go there?  Can I climb up on that hill?"

The first 5 photos are mine.  The rest were taken from the stroller cam . . .

clock tower

Eleanor got a new set of building blocks, and got right down to work.  The first thing she made was . . .

. . . Cornell. 

what the mamas did on the first day of preschool

We went for a walk.  Alone.

There's a trail near our house that we sometimes hike, but we rarely get the opportunity to walk to whole loop (and it's not kid-safe anyway, as we found out, because the last half runs along a small gorge).

Here's what we saw that morning:

may apple

NO IDEA what this is
shagbark hickory