Sunday, January 29, 2012

There have been only two posts in January . . .

. . . so we'd better catch up.

Dinners have taken on a different, um, flavor now that spoons are involved.

What does it say about this child that so many of our photos could be captioned "I dare you"?


and speaking of photos, they're getting harder to take now that this kid is on the move.  We're getting more of these give-me-the-camera-please shots.

And also more of these action shots. 
Eleanor is an increasingly blurry child.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

a walk in the woods

We went for a walk at the Lab of O this afternoon.

O is for Ornithology.  The only birds in sight today were ducks.  But we did see some ice, ferns, lots of trees, and a pine cone.  Eleanor has been doing a lot of reaching lately.  Today she reached for trees (all of them at once, as is her style).

It occurs to me that Emily and I took a snowy walk at the lab around this time last year, trying to get labor started . . .

Thursday, January 19, 2012

More adventures at the park!

There are only so many ways to say, "wood chips aren't food, sweetie"

Peering over the edge at the great beyond!

Central American baby

What do you get when your best friend in the world goes to Ecuador? A Panama hat, of course! And an awesome rattle.