Sunday, February 22, 2015

"How do trees talk?"

"I don't think they do talk."

"No, I mean how do they talk to each other so we can't hear them?"

I suppose this is what we get for sending her to a Waldorf school.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

oh, heck, it's up to my . . .

garden spinners on tall poles
bedroom window

summer triangle house, or rather top 25% thereof

 Uh, this is actually Eleanor's silly photo face.  No need for alarm.

science experiments

First, Eleanor's playdough pendulum.  How long will it take to drop?

Next, we put playdough inside balloons and tied them off.  Squish!

We squirted vinegar and food coloring into a pan of baking soda.  All the colors took on a greenish tint in the baking soda.

What happens if you put the balloon in the baking soda too?  How about if you put the balloon out in the snow?