Monday, January 28, 2013

A chicken.

Eleanor is enjoying her christmas gift from Gram and Grandpa Bob: a beautiful wooden chicken. Though she has surely moved into a stage of being able to pronounce most words with modest accuracy, some of the babyisms persist - "chicken" for "kitchen" is one of my favorites.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Part 3: Cornell hockey!!

Courtesy of our friend Bronwyn and Cornell employee appreciation day, we got to go to an afternoon hockey game. It was tons of fun! And the kids got some valuable lessons in pronouncing the word "zamboni"

Eleanor was especially impressed with the concessions. I think the popcorn was her favorite.

Felix was an ardent fan.

Part 2: the park

It was cold, but it was a good long walk down the South Hill Recreation Way. 

A visit with cousins (and their parents) Part 1

Fortunately, there was enough chalk.

Baby F was decidedly cheerful, given how much goober was pouring out of his head all weekend.
