Thursday, June 30, 2011

Four is a good number of months to be.

Meeting family

Eleanor got to meet her cousin Eliot for the first time last weekend

And she got to get up close and personal with her uncle Bill's facial hair

Yay for aunt Sara and porch swings!

Monday, June 20, 2011


a shift in perspective

On Saturday we went from this:

to this:


We put her in the exersaucer and she instantly became a blur.  A vertical blur.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

playing with Mommy Emily

my turn!

your turn!

This weekend, Eleanor's Aunt Lilach traveled 5670 miles to meet her.  Or 9130 kilometres, if you prefer. 

sightseeing on the next lake over
more sightseeing (although it's hard to see many sights from underneath the floppy sun hat)


Eleanor marched in the Ithaca Festival parade last week.  This year's theme was Midsummer Night's Dream, and if you look closely you will notice that she's dressed as Peaseblossom. 

The idea to toss out packages of instant Quaker Oats was apparently nixed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011