Thursday, April 21, 2011


A rare calm moment in the car seat.

I'm going back to work tomorrow and am already sad to have to cut down on lazy, smiley mornings in bed.

"Just try and push me over -- I DARE you!!"

Thursday, April 14, 2011


The fleeting smiles of 2 weeks ago have developed enough to be capturable (though with some blurriness) on film. Or pixels or whatever.

These are all on her changing table because it seems to get her grinning every time.
Much preferable to the first 3 weeks when she screamed through diaper changes.

Monday, April 11, 2011

catching up

4 video clips from mid-march that we didn't manage to post at the time:

1. with Nana and Grandpa W.

2. a lullaby

3. funny faces and hiccups

4. more hiccups (she's down to about 2 bouts per day now)

These were all taken just before Eleanor hit 4 weeks.  In a few days she'll be 2 months old.  Time for some more recent photos!